Monday, November 8, 2010

Story of my life...

I thought i was in love but i definitely dint know what i was talking until i saw it with my own eyes. this is not gonna be too long a story so i will just cut it down briefly and go straight to the point.
I will with-hold the use of names because they are very confidential. so on to the story,

I have got a best friend, very beautiful, straight forward, funny and most importantly very loving. she has been in a three year long relationship with this guy and has given him everything only that he just threw it ryt back at her. she never wanted to accept it but in june 2010, she dropped the act and let the guy go. he came back begging and breaking windows but she was done.

After she left tht whole r/p, she actually felt very alive,. he had separated her from her family and friends and she only realized tht a few months back. he had caused her so much pain to the point thyt she used to go to the bathroom in fear tht he myt call and she wont pick up. then Allah picked her up from her dreadful life and brought her ryt back on top. obviously she went thru the steps of a break-up but only by Allah does she know how tough this test was.

A few months later her mom called her and told her, "my dia, have you thought of marriage, u know u r almost thru with school..." she was totally surprised to hear this from her mum and was still in the final faze of recent break-up. A few days later she n her mum were talkin more often than usual. God stooped sending direct messengers and now send them  thru the people you know love you the most. over time her mum had reminded her of a guy she met at the airport and the conversation went on.

One week down the road, the guy she met once at the airport proposed but went straight to her mum rather than coming to her. Do u see how God can alter your entire life in a second?? so on  saturday tht weekend, the my friend's mum gave the guy her number and he called her 4 the 1st time. have you heard of love at 1st hear not sight! that was it i can say. they got along so well and now they are madly, deeply in love with each other. she is away, studying abroad but his plan to marry her still prevails. he went to pay her bride price even without having to spend time with her or anything close to what we call dating in the contemporary world.

As i write this, they are talking on the talk for hours without getting tired. now she goes to the bathroom with her phone not in fear but rather hoping that he will call. she once said, some people just drop your spirits and others just rise them, just his name fascinates her!!! and to drop the final bomb, dates for the wedding have been set and they will live on as man and wife from the 1st of July, 2011.

To all the gals, dont give up, such guys still exist...and to the guys, jump on the elevator, we on the next level.
NB: If you like this, pls say MASHALLAH!



  1. Masha Allah. I'm so happy for her, that's how God does his miracles.

  2. h3Y!!! I admit u r a brilliant writer, keep it up.Its Nyc reading this post ..Life goes On .tkkia

  3. hey boooo
    omg dis is so sweet lah
    indeed mashAllah...
    i cnt wait too

  4. Mashallah! may Allah bless their marriage!
