Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Should I Go Or Should I Stay?

When the journey started, about 16-17years ago, it was exciting and fun but along the way it brunched off into this pressure of reading books. it seemed to become harder by the year. by the end of primary school, the love for books is still well-secured because many look forward to the life in high school. at that age, we have watched so many high-school movies and that what makes us excited about high-school. We completely dis-consider the fact that those actresses and actors on TV are seniors in the so-called high schools and that its just another 'movie'

Excited to join high school, the shopping, the thought of staying away from home, the joy of beginning a new journey in your life

On day 1, it all seems fun only that you have already been disappointed by the look of the boarding house. Day 2, you start classes and you have a gazillion subjects to attend to, Maths, English, Chemistry, Biology, physics, history, French, German, Arabic, literature, computer science, geography, and many more. Well by the time I joined high school, I had all these and others which i really cant remember. Another disappointment!

You return to your dormitory and find your suitcase open, you locker broken and more than half of you property gone. Another disappointment! That doesn't kill, you still put yourself together and go to class the next day. a few months down the road, now you have made some friends, some of which are seniors so you are protected from being bullied. That’s if you are lucky. If you are not, you might be asked to blow off a florescent tube from around 9pm to 11pm when its time for lights out. 

A few years down the road, you are a senior, now it’s your turn to do the bullying. In a few days, high school is over, just when it was coming close to your Gossip Girl Fantasy.

You join university after a very long holiday. And here, you are supposed to act grown up and take good care of yourself because no one is responsible for what you do. You are on your own so you are forced to grow up. you start budgeting you allowance as it comes in monthly, doing your own shopping, cooking ... at one point, you start   missing high-school, the noise, the dorms, the friends.

You still go ahead, telling yourself, this will be over soon. In your third year at Uni, you no longer want it to be over. This is the part where reality shoots in. the thought of job hunting, marriage... 

you miss being young again but you thank God for where you are because some didn't make it. I don't wish to be young today, because I would do very complicated mathematics. Instead of 2 + 6 = 8, today kids at final Primary Leaving Exams (PLE) are calculating X*6 + 7^2 = X + 8^2, Find X. I don't think it can get any worse. On top of that, the X you are asking me to find is on paper, right there...lol

The bottom line is,
                                                   I want it to be over,
                                                   But I don't want it to be over.
                                                   I want to go,
                                                   But I don’t want to go
                                                   I miss it,
                                                   But I don’t miss it.                                                                                                 IT'S COMPLICATED!

Am I alone on this, or does it happen to us all????

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