Monday, November 9, 2009

LOVE needs a psychiatrist

There are many times in life that you feel like u are running psycho so there is a need to react as soon as possible. well its one of those times that you do not have to wait to be asked to talk that you then start talking. so i guess this is it, i know saying it now wont change much but what am sure of is it will help me up. I put everything in, i gave it my all, i tried my best but i guess its just not on the right. there were are few blunders like the way life is meant to be but my willingness to make things right is the opposite of your wish. at times it makes me feel we aint equal or maybe i have some thing not right. well if u have found a better person then there is no way i can convince you to take me back. love is not about convincing, its a give n take thing so if we were meant to be or maybe we just happened then i guess this is the part where we look further into the future in search of any traces of hope. I SEE A FEW but they have conditions on them so fulfilling the conditions is what am trying to do here, really hopping it works but if it doesn't then i have got to find my square root. Probably u deserve more than what i can give and i bet i just dint try hard enough...will miss u!

     You're driving me crazy and if i let you i WILL run mad!

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