Friday, September 30, 2011


When disappointment creeps in like a thief in the night
Darkness blankets the heart
And pain oozes from the soul; like pus from a gigantic sore
When sorrow befalls your face
And joy fades
When the smile ceases
All turns bitter
All gets worse
No hope for the better

Like the grass blown by the wind
The soul is tossed to and fro
The heart regrets every second
The mind goes on stand still like a car that has just hit a wall
Fear flows like blood from a ruptured valve
Joy fades like the setting sun
The whole body becomes numb
Emotions freeze
Feet get stuck as though you will never move
The news come like a volcano
Like an earthquake
They shake you out of your roots
They shake you out of your comfort
Like a hunter’s spear
It tears through the body
And crushes the heart
It pulls out all the strength
Takes the hope
Kills the trust
And robs you of the peace
When life and love says to you....

“it is over”
“you aint good enough”
“you are wasting your time”
“just move on”
“you are not meant to be anything”
“just quit”

I hate to be in pain
I hate to be disappointed
I hate to be betrayed
But yet I surprise

All the time I can still smile
All the time I still arise
All the I still can
For I believe
If I still have the breath
I can still breathe on
If I still have the  eyes
I can still see
If I still have my senses
I can still sense, feel and experience

Arise, again I say arise
Don’t be crushed
Learn to look and smile
If there is no sunshine in your direction
Let the smile on my face be your sunshine
We are pressed down but not crushed
Persecuted not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed
Arise, again i say...arise

Dedicated to you in love
Despite your pain I love you
Despite your hurt God loves you more
We can’t have the answers to everything
That goes wrong in our lives
Remember the caged bird does not sing because it has the answers to life
But because it has a song
If you haven’t got a song yet
Then join in my melody....