Saturday, August 7, 2010


I don't know how it all started but i would be regretting had it not.

In 2008, around feb i met a gal by the names of Taslima Hassan. At 1st I thought, "woo, thats a weird name" and she is weird too. omg, what am i gonna do. she sleeps lots and has loads of visitors...(arrrgggg)

It was my first year away from home and felt pretty lonely. i dint know much about the outside world and at this point i was trying so hard to comprehend what was going on. I stayed in a 4 sharing room and for the first two or so weeks, i dint say much to no-one. those were days of serious language barrier and culture shock.

A few days down the road, i started opening up and making a few friends here and there. my first friends in Malaysia were actually Ugandans, Mudi and Brenda. so i felt like i had a lil family here. i soon started talking to my house-mates and they all turned out cool. the coolest was Taslima and thats why am  posting this.

Taslima and i became amazingly close and what made it even more comfortable was the fact that our beds were right next to each other. I cant forget the nights we woke at 2am in search for food. all the photos we took [lost them all :( ], all the stories we shared, the company! She became a part of me. So for the rest 2008, i was in my lil cattle not as the queen bee, but living with a fellow worker bee, just looking 4 what was left for life to be worthy. it was sad when we went off 4 holidays back to our respective countries but as God wished, we still kept in-touch.
Rock Cafe' at 3am

In 2009, i moved from being "single" to being "in a relationship" with her as per my facebook profile. our friendship continued to hold solid ground. we had never and still have never fought or even gotten into an argument. They say real friends fight once in a while but in this relationship, that aint the case. She is always right next to me be it i turn left or right. This might sound weird but she knows more about me than anyone has ever known. i feel like i have achieved a big dream. 

She left Kuala Lumpur (KL) to study in Sarawak for a year and she would fly all the way back to KL just to visit. Do u now understand what i mean by 'i have achieved a BIG dream'?  i have a friend.

friend:one attached to another by affection or esteem,  one that is not hostile, a favored companion
                                                                                                                     _merriam webster online dictionary

My 20th BirthDay
We are in 2010 now and she decided to move back to KL though not in the same area and still there are no humps in our friendship. Not many get this chance so let me take time and thank God for the beautiful creatures He has gifted planet earth with.  

I think this love is a family thing for i have met her mum and her sister too. the experience turned out way better than i had expected. Once again, Allahu Akbar!

NB: The love i have for her is a mystery. 
One of her crazy moments